Shine Bright


It feels redundant to mention that 2020 has greeted everyone with many challenges. Through all the trials, I’m reminded of the creation of a pearl. The tension, time, and pressure create something so beautiful. That such a chaotic and turbulent process is able to manifest a pure and durable substance gives me a sense of optimism. At the end of this difficult era, perhaps we too will have formed our own pearls.

I do believe that this year has made me stronger, wiser, and even more grateful for everyone I have in my life. The very least I can do is to radiate these changes with gratitude. Good can come out of the most testing of circumstances. It may be hard to see when you're in the middle of it, but in hindsight struggles are essential to growth and refinement.

As we cross the 2021threshold, it does not ensure all the turmoil will also be left behind. It does promise that we get to take with us the resilient calluses and lessons learned which make us stronger and more capable to take on whatever issues the years to come will bring.

There are many who wish this year would just end so it might be forgotten. This card, “Shine Bright” is my way of doing just the opposite by actually striving to remember this time and the transformation it encouraged. I believe that with the right attitude and a bit of grit we will all come out more durable and more beautiful on the other side.



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Inspired by Emerald - No. 7